Peer Review of Pod 5



Hello Yue, Saina, Yang and Huang

First, thank you for taking so much efforts on your learning resourse, I really like your choosing topic, guess now all people around the world are suffering by varying degree of negative affect of Covid-19. It’s important for everyone to correctly understand perniciousness of this virus, and know how to prevent getting sick from Covid-19.


After looking your work, the peer review would focus on several key points of the project.


Description and rationale for the learning theory:


I think you could talk more about how Constuctivism works in your learning program. How it would benefit the learners in the further learning?



You can definitely put more resources in your program. You could probably put more videos (definitely make sure the video including caption for the learner who has hearing issue), for example videos about “how dangerous Covid-19 is” or “how to maintain the right mind-set during the outbreak” etc, watching video is more convenient, fast and relative straight forward than reading bunch of papers.


Learning outcome:

For the first learning outcome – Distinguish between Novel Coronavirus and

Influenza Virus. You write about “Symptoms: Sneezing, nasal congestion. Runny nose, but generally no fever and systemic symptoms, or only fever and headache ”. Is this symptom of getting Covid-19 or influenza? It seems like describing the flu, it will be better you guys list both symptoms.

Foe second learning outcome – Understanding how covid19 is spreading and transmiting. First two points is talk about the route of infection, alst two points talk more about how to avoid infection. Maybe last two points could be moved to third learning outcome.


Overview of the Assessment plan:

I like those activities you have provided, just wondering that what is assessment criteria for the learners? How to assess Each learner’s contributions to the course? What percentage of each activity should evaluate? (for example, Uvic Grading for undergraduates or Grading rubric in each course outline ).


Some other thoughts:

The program provides a video “how to test covid-19” in the resources section, you also mention the target learner would be university students, and also says your project is to help students know what COVID-19 is, how it is spreading, and how to prevent ourselves from the pandemic. so the question is that, there are actually very few chances for collage students to test the virus. It sounds more like targeted at medical workers. My personal advise is maybe you could reconsider or make some adjustment about the module, otherwise the offered resources would be off-topic and learners would be confused.

In additional, I notice that your guys are using google power point (and it could be played like a video right?) to display your learning materials. If I play it like a video, the interval between two pages are too short. Moreover, it might be better if you have a table of content beside your project (ex: there are lots of category you can create in the blog, learners and instructor could directly click it and jump to the page they want to), in order to make clear overview of what the whole course is about, for the learner and the instructor.

Above are my personal opinions, you have done a really good job on your project, please keep working on it and I’m looking forward to see your final product!



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